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В Туле организацию оштрафовали на 850 тысяч рублей за превышение габаритов грузовика

В Тульской области с водителя грузовика судебные приставы взыскали штраф в размере 850 тысяч рублей, выписанный Госавтоинспекцией, за за движение тяжеловесного транспортного средства с превышением допустимых габаритов

A company in Tula, Russia was fined 850,000 rubles (approximately $10,660 USD) for exceeding the permissible dimensions of a truck they were operating. They initially refused to pay the fine voluntarily, leading to the involvement of bailiffs who seized their bank accounts. Only after this action did the company pay the full amount owed. The main conceptual idea is the enforcement of traffic regulations and the consequences of non-compliance even for commercial entities.

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